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True Patriots of America

So y'all wanna REALLY piss off some liberals?

Share THIS!!😂👇🏼

It makes the point that Trump IS NOT a convicted felon because "final judgement IS NOT entered until the point of sentencing"

AND because of the SCOTUS ruling he will likely NEVER get sentenced so there is no final

ICYMI | We went undercover in Queens New York, In less than 15 minutes I was able to find a source selling FAKE government documents. ID, Passports, Social Security Cards, and Birth Certificates. "POST #2"

While filming my documentary "WHAT IS TREASON?" I went to Skid Row with Audra Morgan, we dressed like homeless people and went undercover. Now I need your help. We are not 100% sure what we uncovered but there is a lot more to this story. Who owns VORTEX phones, How big is the

🚨🌎 WEF & The Great Reset

Must watch clip on what’s happening across the Western World & the shift from Stakeholder Capitalism to Stakeholder Communism.

By 2030 it will be Technocratic Communism - every single person needs to fight this.

The Dems/MSM are framing this whole thing incorrectly.

The Supreme Court did not “grant” Trump immunity.

Presidents have always had immunity, the Supreme Court just had to overrule the corrupt Biden regime’s unprecedented lawfare against a political opponent.

The Dems/MSM are

🔥🚨DEVELOPING: Rep. Wesley Hunt went on the Sage Steele show and told his favorite Donald Trump story of when Trump met with Taliban leaders.

Trump told the Taliban “if you harm a hair on a single American, I’m going to kill you.”

Trump then reached in his pocket, pulled out

Absolutely Insane: Testimony The VA Can’t Deal With Backlogs For Services For American Veterans, The VA Is Using Their Funds On Illegal Immigrants

US Congress Rep Greg Steube “I think that the VA's mission, being a veteran myself, should be to support veterans, not illegal

Pelosi deserves an Oscar for this performance. Sadly, years of investigating & studying how these people operate to control the narrtive has made it very obvious to spot. If you think this is genuine, you may want to consider a lobotomy. The resources they have, had they been

And here is,


GA: +96,000 MAIL IN BALLOTS cast, but no record of ever being returned,

PA: +766,000 MAIL IN BALLOTS cast, just appears out of nowhere,

AZ: +733,000 MAIL IN BALLOTS cast, just vanished into thin air, uncounted

Army Sec Ryan McCarthy, reportedly a Mark Milley loyalist, was the DOD official responsible for authorizing deployment of Nat Guard on Jan 6.

He was MIA as DC Nat Guard Gen William Walker and his team tried to reach him the afternoon of Jan 6 so Walker could send his troops,

Today I testified before the House Rules Committee as to why Congress must hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt. The AG has ignored 2 subpoenas directing him to release the audio of Special Counsel Hur's interview with Joe Biden. What is he hiding and why?

WOW 🚨 American Farmer Blowing The Whistle On US Government

JUNE 2024, Idaho Farmer’s Water Is Being Shut Off. “A water shutoff order on literally a half million acres of farmland. — A lot of these farmers, and this impacts about 6,400 water users.”

“Property like this will

I’m requesting an immediate investigation into @SecBlinken and the 51 intelligence officials for their role in interfering in the 2020 election.

We don’t give the intelligence community all these taxpayer dollars for them to undermine our democratic process.

Hunter Biden was convicted of all 3 gun charges. Here's about 170 more possible crimes to investigate. Thanks to @MarcoPolo501c3 for digging through Hunter's laptop to document all this.

If you’re wondering whether you’re living in tyranny, ask yourself how many of his political opponents Joe Biden is sending to prison. Steve Bannon is the latest.

(2:14) Why is Congress going after Steve Bannon?
(7:28) Biden Regime Wants Complete Power
(16:03) The Future of War

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NTJ Current News

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22 hours ago
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NTJ Issues

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  • OHIO

True Patriots of America

So y'all wanna REALLY piss off some liberals?

Share THIS!!😂👇🏼

It makes the point that Trump IS NOT a convicted felon because "final judgement IS NOT entered until the point of sentencing"

AND because of the SCOTUS ruling he will likely NEVER get sentenced so there is no final

ICYMI | We went undercover in Queens New York, In less than 15 minutes I was able to find a source selling FAKE government documents. ID, Passports, Social Security Cards, and Birth Certificates. "POST #2"

While filming my documentary "WHAT IS TREASON?" I went to Skid Row with Audra Morgan, we dressed like homeless people and went undercover. Now I need your help. We are not 100% sure what we uncovered but there is a lot more to this story. Who owns VORTEX phones, How big is the

🚨🌎 WEF & The Great Reset

Must watch clip on what’s happening across the Western World & the shift from Stakeholder Capitalism to Stakeholder Communism.

By 2030 it will be Technocratic Communism - every single person needs to fight this.

The Dems/MSM are framing this whole thing incorrectly.

The Supreme Court did not “grant” Trump immunity.

Presidents have always had immunity, the Supreme Court just had to overrule the corrupt Biden regime’s unprecedented lawfare against a political opponent.

The Dems/MSM are

🔥🚨DEVELOPING: Rep. Wesley Hunt went on the Sage Steele show and told his favorite Donald Trump story of when Trump met with Taliban leaders.

Trump told the Taliban “if you harm a hair on a single American, I’m going to kill you.”

Trump then reached in his pocket, pulled out

Absolutely Insane: Testimony The VA Can’t Deal With Backlogs For Services For American Veterans, The VA Is Using Their Funds On Illegal Immigrants

US Congress Rep Greg Steube “I think that the VA's mission, being a veteran myself, should be to support veterans, not illegal

Pelosi deserves an Oscar for this performance. Sadly, years of investigating & studying how these people operate to control the narrtive has made it very obvious to spot. If you think this is genuine, you may want to consider a lobotomy. The resources they have, had they been

And here is,


GA: +96,000 MAIL IN BALLOTS cast, but no record of ever being returned,

PA: +766,000 MAIL IN BALLOTS cast, just appears out of nowhere,

AZ: +733,000 MAIL IN BALLOTS cast, just vanished into thin air, uncounted

Army Sec Ryan McCarthy, reportedly a Mark Milley loyalist, was the DOD official responsible for authorizing deployment of Nat Guard on Jan 6.

He was MIA as DC Nat Guard Gen William Walker and his team tried to reach him the afternoon of Jan 6 so Walker could send his troops,

Today I testified before the House Rules Committee as to why Congress must hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt. The AG has ignored 2 subpoenas directing him to release the audio of Special Counsel Hur's interview with Joe Biden. What is he hiding and why?

WOW 🚨 American Farmer Blowing The Whistle On US Government

JUNE 2024, Idaho Farmer’s Water Is Being Shut Off. “A water shutoff order on literally a half million acres of farmland. — A lot of these farmers, and this impacts about 6,400 water users.”

“Property like this will

I’m requesting an immediate investigation into @SecBlinken and the 51 intelligence officials for their role in interfering in the 2020 election.

We don’t give the intelligence community all these taxpayer dollars for them to undermine our democratic process.

Hunter Biden was convicted of all 3 gun charges. Here's about 170 more possible crimes to investigate. Thanks to @MarcoPolo501c3 for digging through Hunter's laptop to document all this.

If you’re wondering whether you’re living in tyranny, ask yourself how many of his political opponents Joe Biden is sending to prison. Steve Bannon is the latest.

(2:14) Why is Congress going after Steve Bannon?
(7:28) Biden Regime Wants Complete Power
(16:03) The Future of War

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