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JDFI Defends Religious Liberty, About That Vetting, Biden Betrays Israel
JDFI Defends Religious Liberty


In addition to leading American Values and Campaign for Working Families, I also serve as senior vice president of public policy at the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI). We’re doing everything we can to educate and mobilize men and women of faith in the most important election of our lifetime.


We are also fighting the neo-Marxist left that intends to demonize and dehumanize Christians until we kneel in submission.


We will not kneel! 


JDFI just opened another front in the war to save Faith, Family, and Freedom. We are not playing defense. We are going after the left! JDFI has filed a lawsuit to stop the Biden/Harris administration from forcing Christians to violate our faith.


Biden’s radical bureaucrats have taken several actions in recent months that make men and women of faith complicit in the destruction of innocent life and force them to lie. For example:


The Biden/Harris administration twisted a law meant to help pregnant workers to force Christian businesses to help employees seeking abortions.

The administration also issued rules mandating Christian businesses provide insurance coverage for abortion and radical transgender surgeries.

Lastly, the Biden/Harris administration issued rules that force a Christian employer to call a male worker “she” if the employee demands it.

It’s shocking that we have even gotten to the point where leftist politicians and government bureaucrats are essentially persecuting Christians. If you resist their immoral demands, they will bring the full weight of Big Government down on your head.


But this is the result of the left’s relentless war against Judeo-Christian values and too many men and women of faith sitting on the sidelines of the culture war. JDFI is going to court to defend our religious liberty. You can defend our values in the voting booth!




About That Vetting


Last week, we told you about the Afghan national who was arrested for plotting a terrorist attack on Election Day. Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi was brought into the United States by the Biden/Harris administration two weeks after the horrific homicide bombing at the Kabul airport that killed 13 American military personnel.


The administration has repeatedly insisted that Tawhedi, who worked as a guard for the CIA in Afghanistan, had been vetted at least three times. They were off a bit. We now know that he wasn’t vetted at all.


How many more Afghan nationals like Tawhedi got in with no vetting? By the way, his brother was just arrested in France for plotting a terrorist attack.


No wonder the Biden Justice Department blocked the FBI from briefing congressional Republicans on Tawhedi’s plot!


Thirteen American heroes died because of the incompetence of the Biden/Harris administration. And an ISIS sympathizer got better treatment than those 13 heroes who came home in body bags.




Heroes For Trump


Whether it’s drones buzzing our military bases, Chinese spy balloons, or bringing terrorists into the country, we are constantly reminded of the weakness of this administration.


They get up every morning ready to fight for transgender insanity. But America? Not so much.


That reminds me of something that got very little attention. Fifteen Medal of Honor winners endorsed Donald Trump and J.D. Vance last week.


Those who have given the most, who were the most courageous in defending our country, who fought the no-win wars and still get a tear in their eye when the national anthem is played, those heroes are supporting Trump/Vance. 




Biden Betrays Israel


A letter from Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to top Israeli leaders was just leaked. Blinken and Austin warned Israel that it has 30 days to significantly increase aid to Gaza and begin pulling out Israeli troops or U.S. military aid will be cut off.


This would be like Franklin Roosevelt telling Winston Churchill to deliver humanitarian supplies to Hitler’s Germany or we would refuse to help Britain in World War II.


While the Biden White House certainly hopes this letter intimidates Israel, the real audience is in the Michigan and Minnesota precincts, where the Muslim call to prayer rings out five times a day.


This is yet another example of how the Biden/Harris gang will throw anyone and everyone under the bus for the sake of political power, and they won’t think twice about it. They need the votes of America’s Jew-haters or they can’t win.




Trump In The Lion’s Den


Donald Trump spoke yesterday at the Economic Club of Chicago. He was interviewed by Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait. Kamala Harris was invited to talk about her economic agenda but she refused. So, Donald Trump gladly sat on the stage and took questions from Micklethwait, a globalist, free trade, open borders elitist.


Trump stood his ground and said, “It must be hard for you to spend 25 years talking about tariffs as being negative and then have somebody explain to you that you’re totally wrong.”


Defending his plan to protect American industries and jobs, Trump said, “We’re going to protect those companies with strong tariffs. Because I’m a believer in tariffs. To me, the most beautiful word in the dictionary is tariff. My favorite word.”


Trump’s performance was strong -- exactly what you want sitting across from foreign leaders, friend or foe. We don’t want someone who can’t fill 30 seconds of time when the teleprompter freezes. 




Free & Fair


Kamala Harris expressed concerns yesterday about whether this will be a free and fair election. Her internal polls must be really bad!


Meanwhile, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state recently reminded everyone that it will be days, and perhaps weeks, before they have final election results in the Keystone state, which could be the deciding factor in the Electoral College.


There is no reason it should take days or weeks for a major state to count votes in a presidential election!


Officials in Georgia wanted to ensure accuracy by requiring a hand count of ballots after the machine count, just to make sure there wasn’t a major discrepancy. For example, what if your hand count has 35,000 fewer ballots than the machine count? We know that thousands of ballots in Atlanta were scanned twice.


But the argument used before liberal judges to block Georgia’s ballot hand count was that it would slow down the process, potentially delaying the election results.


So, the left wants time to cheat in Pennsylvania, and it’s fighting tooth-and-nail in Georgia to cut the verification process short. By the way, the left is also fighting Virginia’s efforts to remove non-citizens from the voter rolls.




Kamala vs. George


Kamala Harris is campaigning in Pennsylvania today with a gang of RINOs near the area where George Washington crossed the Delaware River. The theme of Harris’s event is saving our democracy.


She should hope the spirit of George Washington doesn’t come out of the fog and dunk her in the water. Harris and the neo-Marxist left are at war with our constitutional Republic and every freedom we have.


Their cultural cronies berate, libel, and slander George Washington and every one of our Founding Fathers as evil racists. Their stormtroopers attack the statues and monuments of our founders.


Harris claims Donald Trump is a danger to democracy. Our founders created America based on the idea of ordered liberty under God, that only a moral people could be free. She is the leader of a party that believes in abortion on demand and mutilating little children.


As soon as they occupied the Oval Office, Harris and Biden opened our borders so people who don’t believe in our founding values could pour into America.


Then they abolished the commission of intellectual giants that Trump put together to teach our children about the brilliance of the Founding Fathers and the exceptionalism of America.


They weaponized the power of government against their political opponents.


They used our intelligence agencies to spy on people working for Donald Trump.


They spied on concerned parents and conservative churches.


They had an entire operation to censor the truth from the American people and to silence debate online.


George Washington and the Founding Fathers put America first in everything they did. Harris and her radical allies do the exact opposite. They put America last.




“Season of our Rejoicing!”


Carol and I wish all of our Jewish friends and supporters a blessed Sukkot as they celebrate God’s providence.


© 2024 | Campaign for Working Families | 2800 S. Shirlington Rd., #930| Arlington, VA 22106 | Phone: 703-671-8800

JDFI Defends Religious Liberty, About That Vetting, Biden Betrays Israel
JDFI Defends Religious Liberty

In addition to leading American Values and Campaign for Working Families, I also serve as senior vice president of public policy at the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI). We’re doing everything we can to educate and mobilize men and women of faith in the most important election of our lifetime.

We are also fighting the neo-Marxist left that intends to demonize and dehumanize Christians until we kneel in submission.

We will not kneel!

JDFI just opened another front in the war to save Faith, Family, and Freedom. We are not playing defense. We are going after the left! JDFI has filed a lawsuit to stop the Biden/Harris administration from forcing Christians to violate our faith.

Biden’s radical bureaucrats have taken several actions in recent months that make men and women of faith complicit in the destruction of innocent life and force them to lie. For example:

The Biden/Harris administration twisted a law meant to help pregnant workers to force Christian businesses to help employees seeking abortions.

The administration also issued rules mandating Christian businesses provide insurance coverage for abortion and radical transgender surgeries.

Lastly, the Biden/Harris administration issued rules that force a Christian employer to call a male worker “she” if the employee demands it.

It’s shocking that we have even gotten to the point where leftist politicians and government bureaucrats are essentially persecuting Christians. If you resist their immoral demands, they will bring the full weight of Big Government down on your head.

But this is the result of the left’s relentless war against Judeo-Christian values and too many men and women of faith sitting on the sidelines of the culture war. JDFI is going to court to defend our religious liberty. You can defend our values in the voting booth!

About That Vetting

Last week, we told you about the Afghan national who was arrested for plotting a terrorist attack on Election Day. Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi was brought into the United States by the Biden/Harris administration two weeks after the horrific homicide bombing at the Kabul airport that killed 13 American military personnel.

The administration has repeatedly insisted that Tawhedi, who worked as a guard for the CIA in Afghanistan, had been vetted at least three times. They were off a bit. We now know that he wasn’t vetted at all.

How many more Afghan nationals like Tawhedi got in with no vetting? By the way, his brother was just arrested in France for plotting a terrorist attack.

No wonder the Biden Justice Department blocked the FBI from briefing congressional Republicans on Tawhedi’s plot!

Thirteen American heroes died because of the incompetence of the Biden/Harris administration. And an ISIS sympathizer got better treatment than those 13 heroes who came home in body bags.

Heroes For Trump

Whether it’s drones buzzing our military bases, Chinese spy balloons, or bringing terrorists into the country, we are constantly reminded of the weakness of this administration.

They get up every morning ready to fight for transgender insanity. But America? Not so much.

That reminds me of something that got very little attention. Fifteen Medal of Honor winners endorsed Donald Trump and J.D. Vance last week.

Those who have given the most, who were the most courageous in defending our country, who fought the no-win wars and still get a tear in their eye when the national anthem is played, those heroes are supporting Trump/Vance.

Biden Betrays Israel

A letter from Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to top Israeli leaders was just leaked. Blinken and Austin warned Israel that it has 30 days to significantly increase aid to Gaza and begin pulling out Israeli troops or U.S. military aid will be cut off.

This would be like Franklin Roosevelt telling Winston Churchill to deliver humanitarian supplies to Hitler’s Germany or we would refuse to help Britain in World War II.

While the Biden White House certainly hopes this letter intimidates Israel, the real audience is in the Michigan and Minnesota precincts, where the Muslim call to prayer rings out five times a day.

This is yet another example of how the Biden/Harris gang will throw anyone and everyone under the bus for the sake of political power, and they won’t think twice about it. They need the votes of America’s Jew-haters or they can’t win.

Trump In The Lion’s Den

Donald Trump spoke yesterday at the Economic Club of Chicago. He was interviewed by Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait. Kamala Harris was invited to talk about her economic agenda but she refused. So, Donald Trump gladly sat on the stage and took questions from Micklethwait, a globalist, free trade, open borders elitist.

Trump stood his ground and said, “It must be hard for you to spend 25 years talking about tariffs as being negative and then have somebody explain to you that you’re totally wrong.”

Defending his plan to protect American industries and jobs, Trump said, “We’re going to protect those companies with strong tariffs. Because I’m a believer in tariffs. To me, the most beautiful word in the dictionary is tariff. My favorite word.”

Trump’s performance was strong -- exactly what you want sitting across from foreign leaders, friend or foe. We don’t want someone who can’t fill 30 seconds of time when the teleprompter freezes.

Free & Fair

Kamala Harris expressed concerns yesterday about whether this will be a free and fair election. Her internal polls must be really bad!

Meanwhile, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state recently reminded everyone that it will be days, and perhaps weeks, before they have final election results in the Keystone state, which could be the deciding factor in the Electoral College.

There is no reason it should take days or weeks for a major state to count votes in a presidential election!

Officials in Georgia wanted to ensure accuracy by requiring a hand count of ballots after the machine count, just to make sure there wasn’t a major discrepancy. For example, what if your hand count has 35,000 fewer ballots than the machine count? We know that thousands of ballots in Atlanta were scanned twice.

But the argument used before liberal judges to block Georgia’s ballot hand count was that it would slow down the process, potentially delaying the election results.

So, the left wants time to cheat in Pennsylvania, and it’s fighting tooth-and-nail in Georgia to cut the verification process short. By the way, the left is also fighting Virginia’s efforts to remove non-citizens from the voter rolls.

Kamala vs. George

Kamala Harris is campaigning in Pennsylvania today with a gang of RINOs near the area where George Washington crossed the Delaware River. The theme of Harris’s event is saving our democracy.

She should hope the spirit of George Washington doesn’t come out of the fog and dunk her in the water. Harris and the neo-Marxist left are at war with our constitutional Republic and every freedom we have.

Their cultural cronies berate, libel, and slander George Washington and every one of our Founding Fathers as evil racists. Their stormtroopers attack the statues and monuments of our founders.

Harris claims Donald Trump is a danger to democracy. Our founders created America based on the idea of ordered liberty under God, that only a moral people could be free. She is the leader of a party that believes in abortion on demand and mutilating little children.

As soon as they occupied the Oval Office, Harris and Biden opened our borders so people who don’t believe in our founding values could pour into America.

Then they abolished the commission of intellectual giants that Trump put together to teach our children about the brilliance of the Founding Fathers and the exceptionalism of America.

They weaponized the power of government against their political opponents.

They used our intelligence agencies to spy on people working for Donald Trump.

They spied on concerned parents and conservative churches.

They had an entire operation to censor the truth from the American people and to silence debate online.

George Washington and the Founding Fathers put America first in everything they did. Harris and her radical allies do the exact opposite. They put America last.

“Season of our Rejoicing!”

Carol and I wish all of our Jewish friends and supporters a blessed Sukkot as they celebrate God’s providence.

© 2024 | Campaign for Working Families | 2800 S. Shirlington Rd., #930| Arlington, VA 22106 | Phone: 703-671-8800
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NTJ Issues

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True Patriots of America

Yet another example of FEMA seizing donated supplies from Church orgs in North Carolina

This time in Avery County

It is unconstitutional for the gov’t to seize your property without due process

Plus, these local churches know best on who needs the food & diapers


Hey North Carolina voters

Did you know an illegal alien on a terrorist watchlist got into a shootout with police in NC?

And did you know he had been living in NC for six months?!

He walked right in through Kamala’s open border

Stop the terrorists

Vote Trump

When everything went to hell in the South after Hurricanes Helene and Milton, I didn't see a convoy of Priuses, windmills, and FEMA social justice warriors coming to save the day

I saw diesel trucks, heavy tractors, fuel tankers, and a whole lotta bearded good ol' boys putting…

🧵THREAD: What does a Kamala Harris Administration look like?

While presiding over the U.S. Senate as VP she has cast the most tie-breaking votes (33) in history.

These votes are not just politically polarizing but show how damaging a Kamala Harris White House would be.
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Step By Step Video
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Trump Says Elon Musk Will Have a Big Role in Tackling the National Debt Crisis in His Administration

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Two years ago @elonmusk told us his ‘nutty’ idea to ‘catch the largest and heaviest flying object ever made and pluck it out of the air.’

Looks like it wasn’t so ‘nutty’ after all.

President Trump accepted an invitation from @Bloomberg and the @EconClubChi to do a Q&A on his Economic Plans, which you can watch in its entirety below. Kamala was extended a similar invitation to do the same, but she has declined.

Is it starting to make sense why the Dems kept a lid on Kamala all this time?

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If we had an honest media, this is how every…

Red 40, Yellow 5, Blue 1...these food dyes are in A LOT of what we eat.

The NIH links them to cancer, DNA damage, ADHD, depression, and much more.

But it also says it CAN'T DETERMINE if we're eating dangerous amounts of them?! That sounds like important information to have!

Why would the FDA approve putting potentially DANGEROUS chemicals like food dyes into our food? Well, maybe it's because payments from Big Food and Big Pharma make up 46 PERCENT of the FDA's funding? Let's call this what it is: BRIBERY.

If you have friends or family who are still undecided for the 2024 election, this series is for them. My team put together JUST THE FACTS on the biggest issues.

Part 1 compares Trump and Harris on IMMIGRATION: Official border numbers, the candidates' plans, & their records.

And here it is,


Donald J. Trump is the duly elected President of the United States.

Katie Hobbs and her co-conspirator Adrian Fontes inserted 74, 243 MAIL IN BALLOTS in the Nov 3,…

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New BOMBSHELL allegations from FEMA whistleblowers help explain why the federal government's response to Hurricane Helene has been so horrendous.

Gaetz has confirmed that “hundreds, if not thousands, of service members were deployed to North Carolina by the Department of…

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NTJ Current News

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JDFI Defends Religious Liberty, About That Vetting, Biden Betrays Israel
JDFI Defends Religious Liberty


In addition to leading American Values and Campaign for Working Families, I also serve as senior vice president of public policy at the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI). We’re doing everything we can to educate and mobilize men and women of faith in the most important election of our lifetime.


We are also fighting the neo-Marxist left that intends to demonize and dehumanize Christians until we kneel in submission.


We will not kneel! 


JDFI just opened another front in the war to save Faith, Family, and Freedom. We are not playing defense. We are going after the left! JDFI has filed a lawsuit to stop the Biden/Harris administration from forcing Christians to violate our faith.


Biden’s radical bureaucrats have taken several actions in recent months that make men and women of faith complicit in the destruction of innocent life and force them to lie. For example:


The Biden/Harris administration twisted a law meant to help pregnant workers to force Christian businesses to help employees seeking abortions.

The administration also issued rules mandating Christian businesses provide insurance coverage for abortion and radical transgender surgeries.

Lastly, the Biden/Harris administration issued rules that force a Christian employer to call a male worker “she” if the employee demands it.

It’s shocking that we have even gotten to the point where leftist politicians and government bureaucrats are essentially persecuting Christians. If you resist their immoral demands, they will bring the full weight of Big Government down on your head.


But this is the result of the left’s relentless war against Judeo-Christian values and too many men and women of faith sitting on the sidelines of the culture war. JDFI is going to court to defend our religious liberty. You can defend our values in the voting booth!




About That Vetting


Last week, we told you about the Afghan national who was arrested for plotting a terrorist attack on Election Day. Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi was brought into the United States by the Biden/Harris administration two weeks after the horrific homicide bombing at the Kabul airport that killed 13 American military personnel.


The administration has repeatedly insisted that Tawhedi, who worked as a guard for the CIA in Afghanistan, had been vetted at least three times. They were off a bit. We now know that he wasn’t vetted at all.


How many more Afghan nationals like Tawhedi got in with no vetting? By the way, his brother was just arrested in France for plotting a terrorist attack.


No wonder the Biden Justice Department blocked the FBI from briefing congressional Republicans on Tawhedi’s plot!


Thirteen American heroes died because of the incompetence of the Biden/Harris administration. And an ISIS sympathizer got better treatment than those 13 heroes who came home in body bags.




Heroes For Trump


Whether it’s drones buzzing our military bases, Chinese spy balloons, or bringing terrorists into the country, we are constantly reminded of the weakness of this administration.


They get up every morning ready to fight for transgender insanity. But America? Not so much.


That reminds me of something that got very little attention. Fifteen Medal of Honor winners endorsed Donald Trump and J.D. Vance last week.


Those who have given the most, who were the most courageous in defending our country, who fought the no-win wars and still get a tear in their eye when the national anthem is played, those heroes are supporting Trump/Vance. 




Biden Betrays Israel


A letter from Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to top Israeli leaders was just leaked. Blinken and Austin warned Israel that it has 30 days to significantly increase aid to Gaza and begin pulling out Israeli troops or U.S. military aid will be cut off.


This would be like Franklin Roosevelt telling Winston Churchill to deliver humanitarian supplies to Hitler’s Germany or we would refuse to help Britain in World War II.


While the Biden White House certainly hopes this letter intimidates Israel, the real audience is in the Michigan and Minnesota precincts, where the Muslim call to prayer rings out five times a day.


This is yet another example of how the Biden/Harris gang will throw anyone and everyone under the bus for the sake of political power, and they won’t think twice about it. They need the votes of America’s Jew-haters or they can’t win.




Trump In The Lion’s Den


Donald Trump spoke yesterday at the Economic Club of Chicago. He was interviewed by Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait. Kamala Harris was invited to talk about her economic agenda but she refused. So, Donald Trump gladly sat on the stage and took questions from Micklethwait, a globalist, free trade, open borders elitist.


Trump stood his ground and said, “It must be hard for you to spend 25 years talking about tariffs as being negative and then have somebody explain to you that you’re totally wrong.”


Defending his plan to protect American industries and jobs, Trump said, “We’re going to protect those companies with strong tariffs. Because I’m a believer in tariffs. To me, the most beautiful word in the dictionary is tariff. My favorite word.”


Trump’s performance was strong -- exactly what you want sitting across from foreign leaders, friend or foe. We don’t want someone who can’t fill 30 seconds of time when the teleprompter freezes. 




Free & Fair


Kamala Harris expressed concerns yesterday about whether this will be a free and fair election. Her internal polls must be really bad!


Meanwhile, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state recently reminded everyone that it will be days, and perhaps weeks, before they have final election results in the Keystone state, which could be the deciding factor in the Electoral College.


There is no reason it should take days or weeks for a major state to count votes in a presidential election!


Officials in Georgia wanted to ensure accuracy by requiring a hand count of ballots after the machine count, just to make sure there wasn’t a major discrepancy. For example, what if your hand count has 35,000 fewer ballots than the machine count? We know that thousands of ballots in Atlanta were scanned twice.


But the argument used before liberal judges to block Georgia’s ballot hand count was that it would slow down the process, potentially delaying the election results.


So, the left wants time to cheat in Pennsylvania, and it’s fighting tooth-and-nail in Georgia to cut the verification process short. By the way, the left is also fighting Virginia’s efforts to remove non-citizens from the voter rolls.




Kamala vs. George


Kamala Harris is campaigning in Pennsylvania today with a gang of RINOs near the area where George Washington crossed the Delaware River. The theme of Harris’s event is saving our democracy.


She should hope the spirit of George Washington doesn’t come out of the fog and dunk her in the water. Harris and the neo-Marxist left are at war with our constitutional Republic and every freedom we have.


Their cultural cronies berate, libel, and slander George Washington and every one of our Founding Fathers as evil racists. Their stormtroopers attack the statues and monuments of our founders.


Harris claims Donald Trump is a danger to democracy. Our founders created America based on the idea of ordered liberty under God, that only a moral people could be free. She is the leader of a party that believes in abortion on demand and mutilating little children.


As soon as they occupied the Oval Office, Harris and Biden opened our borders so people who don’t believe in our founding values could pour into America.


Then they abolished the commission of intellectual giants that Trump put together to teach our children about the brilliance of the Founding Fathers and the exceptionalism of America.


They weaponized the power of government against their political opponents.


They used our intelligence agencies to spy on people working for Donald Trump.


They spied on concerned parents and conservative churches.


They had an entire operation to censor the truth from the American people and to silence debate online.


George Washington and the Founding Fathers put America first in everything they did. Harris and her radical allies do the exact opposite. They put America last.




“Season of our Rejoicing!”


Carol and I wish all of our Jewish friends and supporters a blessed Sukkot as they celebrate God’s providence.


© 2024 | Campaign for Working Families | 2800 S. Shirlington Rd., #930| Arlington, VA 22106 | Phone: 703-671-8800

JDFI Defends Religious Liberty, About That Vetting, Biden Betrays Israel
JDFI Defends Religious Liberty

In addition to leading American Values and Campaign for Working Families, I also serve as senior vice president of public policy at the Dr. James Dobson Family Institute (JDFI). We’re doing everything we can to educate and mobilize men and women of faith in the most important election of our lifetime.

We are also fighting the neo-Marxist left that intends to demonize and dehumanize Christians until we kneel in submission.

We will not kneel!

JDFI just opened another front in the war to save Faith, Family, and Freedom. We are not playing defense. We are going after the left! JDFI has filed a lawsuit to stop the Biden/Harris administration from forcing Christians to violate our faith.

Biden’s radical bureaucrats have taken several actions in recent months that make men and women of faith complicit in the destruction of innocent life and force them to lie. For example:

The Biden/Harris administration twisted a law meant to help pregnant workers to force Christian businesses to help employees seeking abortions.

The administration also issued rules mandating Christian businesses provide insurance coverage for abortion and radical transgender surgeries.

Lastly, the Biden/Harris administration issued rules that force a Christian employer to call a male worker “she” if the employee demands it.

It’s shocking that we have even gotten to the point where leftist politicians and government bureaucrats are essentially persecuting Christians. If you resist their immoral demands, they will bring the full weight of Big Government down on your head.

But this is the result of the left’s relentless war against Judeo-Christian values and too many men and women of faith sitting on the sidelines of the culture war. JDFI is going to court to defend our religious liberty. You can defend our values in the voting booth!

About That Vetting

Last week, we told you about the Afghan national who was arrested for plotting a terrorist attack on Election Day. Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi was brought into the United States by the Biden/Harris administration two weeks after the horrific homicide bombing at the Kabul airport that killed 13 American military personnel.

The administration has repeatedly insisted that Tawhedi, who worked as a guard for the CIA in Afghanistan, had been vetted at least three times. They were off a bit. We now know that he wasn’t vetted at all.

How many more Afghan nationals like Tawhedi got in with no vetting? By the way, his brother was just arrested in France for plotting a terrorist attack.

No wonder the Biden Justice Department blocked the FBI from briefing congressional Republicans on Tawhedi’s plot!

Thirteen American heroes died because of the incompetence of the Biden/Harris administration. And an ISIS sympathizer got better treatment than those 13 heroes who came home in body bags.

Heroes For Trump

Whether it’s drones buzzing our military bases, Chinese spy balloons, or bringing terrorists into the country, we are constantly reminded of the weakness of this administration.

They get up every morning ready to fight for transgender insanity. But America? Not so much.

That reminds me of something that got very little attention. Fifteen Medal of Honor winners endorsed Donald Trump and J.D. Vance last week.

Those who have given the most, who were the most courageous in defending our country, who fought the no-win wars and still get a tear in their eye when the national anthem is played, those heroes are supporting Trump/Vance.

Biden Betrays Israel

A letter from Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin to top Israeli leaders was just leaked. Blinken and Austin warned Israel that it has 30 days to significantly increase aid to Gaza and begin pulling out Israeli troops or U.S. military aid will be cut off.

This would be like Franklin Roosevelt telling Winston Churchill to deliver humanitarian supplies to Hitler’s Germany or we would refuse to help Britain in World War II.

While the Biden White House certainly hopes this letter intimidates Israel, the real audience is in the Michigan and Minnesota precincts, where the Muslim call to prayer rings out five times a day.

This is yet another example of how the Biden/Harris gang will throw anyone and everyone under the bus for the sake of political power, and they won’t think twice about it. They need the votes of America’s Jew-haters or they can’t win.

Trump In The Lion’s Den

Donald Trump spoke yesterday at the Economic Club of Chicago. He was interviewed by Bloomberg Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait. Kamala Harris was invited to talk about her economic agenda but she refused. So, Donald Trump gladly sat on the stage and took questions from Micklethwait, a globalist, free trade, open borders elitist.

Trump stood his ground and said, “It must be hard for you to spend 25 years talking about tariffs as being negative and then have somebody explain to you that you’re totally wrong.”

Defending his plan to protect American industries and jobs, Trump said, “We’re going to protect those companies with strong tariffs. Because I’m a believer in tariffs. To me, the most beautiful word in the dictionary is tariff. My favorite word.”

Trump’s performance was strong -- exactly what you want sitting across from foreign leaders, friend or foe. We don’t want someone who can’t fill 30 seconds of time when the teleprompter freezes.

Free & Fair

Kamala Harris expressed concerns yesterday about whether this will be a free and fair election. Her internal polls must be really bad!

Meanwhile, Pennsylvania’s secretary of state recently reminded everyone that it will be days, and perhaps weeks, before they have final election results in the Keystone state, which could be the deciding factor in the Electoral College.

There is no reason it should take days or weeks for a major state to count votes in a presidential election!

Officials in Georgia wanted to ensure accuracy by requiring a hand count of ballots after the machine count, just to make sure there wasn’t a major discrepancy. For example, what if your hand count has 35,000 fewer ballots than the machine count? We know that thousands of ballots in Atlanta were scanned twice.

But the argument used before liberal judges to block Georgia’s ballot hand count was that it would slow down the process, potentially delaying the election results.

So, the left wants time to cheat in Pennsylvania, and it’s fighting tooth-and-nail in Georgia to cut the verification process short. By the way, the left is also fighting Virginia’s efforts to remove non-citizens from the voter rolls.

Kamala vs. George

Kamala Harris is campaigning in Pennsylvania today with a gang of RINOs near the area where George Washington crossed the Delaware River. The theme of Harris’s event is saving our democracy.

She should hope the spirit of George Washington doesn’t come out of the fog and dunk her in the water. Harris and the neo-Marxist left are at war with our constitutional Republic and every freedom we have.

Their cultural cronies berate, libel, and slander George Washington and every one of our Founding Fathers as evil racists. Their stormtroopers attack the statues and monuments of our founders.

Harris claims Donald Trump is a danger to democracy. Our founders created America based on the idea of ordered liberty under God, that only a moral people could be free. She is the leader of a party that believes in abortion on demand and mutilating little children.

As soon as they occupied the Oval Office, Harris and Biden opened our borders so people who don’t believe in our founding values could pour into America.

Then they abolished the commission of intellectual giants that Trump put together to teach our children about the brilliance of the Founding Fathers and the exceptionalism of America.

They weaponized the power of government against their political opponents.

They used our intelligence agencies to spy on people working for Donald Trump.

They spied on concerned parents and conservative churches.

They had an entire operation to censor the truth from the American people and to silence debate online.

George Washington and the Founding Fathers put America first in everything they did. Harris and her radical allies do the exact opposite. They put America last.

“Season of our Rejoicing!”

Carol and I wish all of our Jewish friends and supporters a blessed Sukkot as they celebrate God’s providence.

© 2024 | Campaign for Working Families | 2800 S. Shirlington Rd., #930| Arlington, VA 22106 | Phone: 703-671-8800
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Yet another example of FEMA seizing donated supplies from Church orgs in North Carolina

This time in Avery County

It is unconstitutional for the gov’t to seize your property without due process

Plus, these local churches know best on who needs the food & diapers


Hey North Carolina voters

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And did you know he had been living in NC for six months?!

He walked right in through Kamala’s open border

Stop the terrorists

Vote Trump

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And here it is,


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